Drive Back the Night
An episodic discussion of the sci-fi television series Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda.

Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Episode 27-Last Call at the Broken Hammer
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Unless that name is Isabella Ortiz, in which case she changes her name and her face. This week the Andromeda crew (well, half of them at least) get into the bar scene. They come, they drink, they get in a fight and leave dozens of alien carcasses on the bar room floor... That never happened on Cheers. And Trance gets to find out if she is covered for dismemberment. Does anyone want anymore fermented mare's milk? Because it's "Last Call at the Broken Hammer."

Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Episode 26-Pitiless as the Sun
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Sometimes being pragmatic can be problematic. This week the Andromeda crew unwittingly joins the wrong side of a drug war. We meet a 2 new alien species; one is really cool and the other is totally lame (we'll let you decide which is which) and Trance shows us how to beat an interrogation. And now, with no clever segue, it's "Pitiless as the Sun."

Friday Jul 10, 2015
Episode 25-A Heart for Falsehood Framed
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Friday Jul 10, 2015
First the crew of Andromeda stole our hearts. This week they steal the Hegemon's Heart. It may be a bit more tricky. Beka falls in love, Tyr gets in a fight and Dylan tries to save a crime boss from an angry swarm of Than. Don't just hang around feeling blue. Listen as we discuss "A Heart for Falsehood Framed."

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Episode 24-Exit Strategies
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Three week old Magog corpse does not make a good air freshener. Just ask the crew of the Andromeda. Meanwhile, Tyr's extracurricular activities catch up with him and get everyone on the Maru in a tight spot. Also, Rev Bem might eat everyone. No really, he's very hungry. Someone get this guy some salmon! It's a TV episode with a title that makes no sense, "Exit Strategies."

Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Episode 23-The Widening Gyre
Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Everyone is busy in this episode of Andromeda. Rev Bem goes on a killing spree after a summer make-over. Harper and Tyr just hang around and wait for Dylan and Rommie to come to the rescue. Beka tires to blow everyone up with a Nova Bomb and Trance mostly walks around looking cute. Also, Tweedledee and Tweedledum go for a space walk. Listen in and try not to get dizzy as we discuss, "The Widening Gyre."

Thursday May 21, 2015
Episode 22.5- The Season 1 Wrap-Up Show
Thursday May 21, 2015
Thursday May 21, 2015
If the previous episode was the season finale, this episode is the after party! We're just hangin' out and reflecting on the first season of Andromeda as well as the first season of Drive Back the Night. We have trivia, we have guests, we have bloopers, we have listener feedback, we have some serious discussion, but we mostly just have fun. We also have some run-on sentences... We tend to ramble at times. Grab a drink, kick off your shoes and enjoy as we wrap up Season 1.

Thursday May 14, 2015
Episode 22-It's Hour Come 'Round At Last
Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015
The last time Rommie created a System Restore point was just before downloading a swarm of Magog. That was over 300 years ago. It didn't turn out so well that time, but let's try again. It's the Season 1 Finale. Will Andromeda and her crew prevail against all odds or will they get the 'blue screen of death?' It's a cliff hanger so we won't actually find out until next season, but hey...Let's get the discussion started. The waiting is over. "It's Hour Come 'Round At Last."

Friday May 08, 2015
Episode 21-It Makes A Lovely Light
Friday May 08, 2015
Friday May 08, 2015
In this week's episode Dylan gets a bit homesick. But Beka has just the gift to cheer him up, a way home! She also picks up a little something for herself along the way, a nice flash addiction. Will the crew stand idly by and let her wreck herself? Will a flash-fried Beka actually find the way to Tarn Vedra? Everyone can agree that a little flash can be annoying but "It Makes A Lovely Light."

Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Episode 20-Star Crossed
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
This week Andromeda has her first crush. Well... besides the one she had on Dylan. But this time she is crushing hard. But then her crush tries to crush her and all of her friends. Life just isn't fair in Sci-fi.No, it's not Daniel Jackson in a Stargate/Andromeda crossover event (but wouldn't that have been aweseome! They really missed the space frigate on that one.)Michael Shanks guest stars in, "Star Crossed."

Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Episode 19-The Honey Offering
Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Thursday Apr 23, 2015
This episode is just full of Pride: Sabra pride, Jaguar pride, Drago-Kazov pride and even a little Kodiak pride. See who's pride gets hurt the most. Also, Dylan finds a new jogging partner in, "The Honey Offering."