Drive Back the Night
An episodic discussion of the sci-fi television series Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda.

Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Drive Back the Night Special With Lisa Ryder
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
In this special edition of Drive Back the Night, Ryan and Ethan talk with actress Lisa Ryder. Among other roles, she played Beka Valentine on the Andromeda television series. Listen as she discusses her background in acting, how she got on board with Andromeda and what it was like to work on the series. Many thanks to Lisa for taking the time to discuss her work with us on the show. Enjoy!

Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Episode 18-The Devil Take the Hindmost
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
As the old saying goes, "Kill a slaver for a Hajira and save him for a day. Teach him how to kill slavers and his descendants will know how to save themselves forever,".... Or something like that... This week Dylan teaches a bunch of Wayists how to kill, Rev Bem becomes a father and a Monk's prayers go unanswered. Disclaimer: Much like Harper and Trance, the Devil does not actually appear in this episode. It's "The Devil Take the Hindmost."

Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Episode 17-Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Gerentex is back! Harper shows off Trance in Vegas and Beka talks some Perseids out of leaving the Commonwealth. Rommie cleans up the ship, Tyr has a few negative comments and Rev Bem is no where to be found. Things get a little crazy, but what happens in the Milky Way stays in the Milky Way. It's "Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way."

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Episode 16-The Sum of It's Parts
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
This week the Andromeda visits the landfill. Well, actually it visits them and then becomes a living thing with a desire to live and love. Next time you go to the junk yard take a look at everything around you. Everything you see as a whole may be greater than "The Sum of It's Parts."

Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Episode 15-Forced Perspective
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
What if Frank Lloyd Wright and Adolf Hitler became joined together in some kind of very unlikely transporter accident? You might end up with Venetri. And just to make sure you see it his way, it's "Forced Perspective."

Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Episode 14-Harper 2.0
Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
No one likes a Know-it-all. As if Harper isn't already too freaky smart, this week he gets an upgrade. But, like any other upgrade, this one isn't without it's bugs and glitches. Also, Rev Bem get's angry. Slimer from Ghostbusters guest stars in "Harper 2.0"

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Episode 13-Music of a Distant Drum
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
This week on Andromeda: Tyr changes his name to Nemo while Dylan and Beka have to go find him. There's also amnesia, a mummy and dragons. There's a little bit of everything in this one, folks... except for Harper, Trance and Rev Bem. Some of this show description may be inaccurate, but the nanobots will fix it eventually. It's "Music of a Distant Drum."

Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Episode12-The Mathematics of Tears
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Rommie goes to visit her big sister, Maggie, a High Guard ship lost for 300 years. Good news: the crew is on board. Bad news: they're all android replacements of the real people and the ships AI has gone crazy and tries to kill the Andromeda crew. Just another day at the office for Dylan and the gang. How good are your Arithmetic skills? Enjoy this story problem and try to figure out, "The Mathematics of Tears."

Wednesday Feb 04, 2015
Episode 11-The Pearls That Were His Eyes
Wednesday Feb 04, 2015
Wednesday Feb 04, 2015
This week Beka visits her Uncle Sid... I think I've seen him before somewhere...What happens when her uncle, who's not really her uncle, turns out to be rich, evil and is trying to kill her? Man, that guy looks familiar....Also, what is the exchange rate of a Trans-Galactic Guilder for a Triskelion Quatloo? All this and much more as we discuss "The Pearls That Were His Eyes."

Wednesday Jan 28, 2015
Episode 10-All Great Neptune's Ocean
Wednesday Jan 28, 2015
Wednesday Jan 28, 2015
This week on the Andromeda, Captain Hunt hosts a fish fry. Okay not really, but they do enjoy a nice dinner party with water breathers. Tyr makes a big scene and then kills the Castalian President... Or does he... ?Everyone loves a good whodunnit. See if this episode holds water as we examine, "All Great Neptune's Ocean."